Now after a few month of using the Galago Ihave a few more tricks. First the palm detection works better with syndaemon (in ~./i3/config):
exec syndaemon -t -k -i 2 -d
And GPU accelerated things on a HDMI screen seem to crash the GPU(or the driver) this is because the driver pretty much expects there to be a compositor. I3 does not come with one so you can just install and use compton(in ~./i3/config):
exec compton -b
This will make it possible to use VLC to playback HD content on the HDMI screen and even steam games work great.
I have also moved away from dmenu and am now using rofi(in ~./i3/config):
bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -rnow -font “snap-10” -fg “#f1f1f1” -bg “#333333” -hlfg “#ffffff” -hlbg “#336699” -o 85